Help Us Promote Positive Images


Membership is a buck ($1) a mo. billed annually at $12.00 

Corporate Sponsors

Our mission is to provide and promote a safe and inclusive environment for the creation and cultivation of positive images for communities of color across all media platforms.

Reasons to Join NMC

Positive Images

The National Minority Coalition films and promotes positive images and stories of Minorities in multiple media formats.

Diversity & Inclusion

NMC helps to create Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace by matching quality Minority candidates with corporate jobs.


We support various organizations that reach the needs of the people we fight for every day and align with our mission.

Become an Agent for Change!

Your membership helps the National Minority Coalition to continue to uplift and give to the community and ensure the creation of positive images of minorities.

Membership is a buck ($1) a mo. billed annually 

"When you join NMC your donation goes directly to helping us pay for the production and distribution of positive images in various media formats. Your generosity helps the National Minority Coalition to continue to uplift and give to the community."

NMC Objectives

Combat the lack of representation of communities of color

How we accomplish this

The National Minority Coalition films short stories that show positive images and stories of Minorities and then we promote them in multiple media formats.

NMC Objectives

Work to create Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace

How we accomplish this

The National Minority Coalition has created a job board that matches quality Minority candidates with mid to high level corporate jobs which helps to create Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace.

NMC Objectives

Amplify the voices of Black and Brown creatives

How we accomplish this

NMC encourages minority creatives and authors that have created positive stories of their own to submit them to NMC to promote on NMC's media platforms.

NMC Objectives

Support other initiatives that align with our mission

How we accomplish this

NMC seeks out other organizations that Support and align with our mission to promote positive images of all minorities.

How your membership works

"Your generosity helps the National Minority Coalition to continue to uplift and give to the community."

When you make a donation or buy a product on this website your donation goes directly to helping us pay for the production and distribution of positive images in various media formats.  The sponsors that provide items that are found on our site donate a substantial portion of the proceeds from the sale to help our cause.

National Minority coalition

With NMC you Have the Power to Impact the Future, join us and Do Something About It!

Most minorities in America don’t feel properly represented in the media. NMC wants to combat that by providing an opportunity for black and other people of color to create positive and accurate representation in media.

And now you can help by becoming a member of NMC.

Membership is a buck ($1) a mo. billed annually at $12.00 

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